Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ch 7 Online

The new chapter is online now, although I’m again second-guessing myself on how I could’ve done things differently. However, I’m already thinking about the next chapter, which I hope will be better (with more action).

Chapter 8 is called Smitty Gurkin who happens to be a Gordian (as in “Gordian knot”). In the databank section, I talk a little about the race: they’re basically a cross between a fantasy dwarf and a warthog (with a personality to match). He will be meeting Alexander when the prince arrives on Prill. The planet, by the way, is tropical jungle with rain and vines, etc. I may also include another character as a foil or at least counterpoint for Smitty. If I decided to use him, he’ll be a robot named Quirk. I’m still not sure, however, if I’ll need him. Anyway, there will be at least two action sequences in this chapter so I’m hoping to make up for chapter 7. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:55 PM


    YESSSS, a new chapter! Thanx loads, it was about time we poor Chronicles addicts got another fix ;o) Love the storyline - nearly split my sides over "He was like an old boot!" Otherwise, the plot is getting ominous, nasty political storm on the horizon, it seems. Must admit I sympathize with the emperor - prince Hal, I mean Alexander is exasperating, 'bout time the spoilt lad grew up. Only problem is that his brother HAS grown up, and he is sensible to the point of being dull *LOL*

    And hey, don't apologize for the lack of action. Getting to know the characters equates getting ever more concerned for their welfare when the laser bolts start flying!

    On the technical side, don't take my (horribly long-winded) comments too seriously, but I can't help feeling you'd get a lot of extra storytelling bang for your buck with more lively expressions and poses, slightly crisper lighting, and perhaps experimenting a bit with consciously using panel sizing for timing and combining it with layering for depth.

    I readily admit I buy more than half the poses and almost all the expressions for my own comic. I can live with feeling more like a director than a 3D artist, so to speak, and there are several superb, non-expensive collections out there.

    The lighting in Chronicles seems just a wee bit flat, this may be intentional, but you might want to study three-point lighting (several good tutes on DAZ Arcana, among other places). You might also want to try out "pumping" color and contrast by duplicating an image to a new layer, and experimenting with options "Multiply", "Overlay" and "Screen", depending on the image.

    You are already using panel sizing for timing, but it does seem to be largely unconsciously (nothing wrong with the slightly staccato rhythm you mostly use, you just might want to consider others as well). Panel width usuallly equates time, while depth/height equates how much is going on, or how important it is. Example : action seems fast and furious when told in a succession of narrow, high panels, slower sequences, such as traveling through a landscape, often work well as a wide, shallow panel.

    Layering is the conscious use of (usually) at least three overlapping layers (foreground, mid-ground, background), with the most lighting on the "active" layer. Check out any Ridley Scott movie (especially "Black Hawk Down" and "Kingdom Of Heaven") for a visual bible of how to use layering effectively. It's a hell of a way to make pics look a lot more "loaded" than they actually are.

    Well, hope you can glean a few ideas from my yakking ;o) As I said, don't take it too seriously, I just think all the hard work you obviously put into this series deserves some thorough feedback ;o)


