Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Chapter Prose

I've been adding some short prose at the beginning of each chapter in my game rules, to add some flavor so to speak. I'm not sure which chapter it will go with, but here is one of the prose pieces I wrote:

High in the Palatine Mountains, the walls of a monastery protruded from the jagged crags of granite and shale. Within these walls, Dahl monks walked along the stone floors, exchanging telepathic greetings as they passed in the candle-lit halls. They had studied the art of mind magic for centuries in the sanctuary of the mountain cliffs, isolated from the rest of Aldorus. On one occasion, however, a man braved the treacherous ravines until he reached the weather-beaten entrance. He knocked on the wooden door. Slowly, the door opened a crack and the pale face of a Dahl peered out. "I've come to learn the secrets of psionics!" the man said proudly. The Dahl looked at the man up and down. "No Humans allowed!" he said and slammed the door in the man's face. The Human, his dreams of learning mind magic gone, plotted his revenge . . .

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