Monday, May 04, 2009

Zombies & Nanos & Ghuls, Oh My!

Seriously, how has it been another week already?? I feel bad that I haven’t updated my blog more, but then I’m also updating the Facebook fan page so that’s something. Btw, if you haven’t joined it yet, please click on the Facebook icon on the right and join the Imperium Chronicles fan page. It’s hard to explain how much I appreciate people showing an interest in my game. It really helps keep me motivated. Also, the Wife has a cattle prod . . .

Besides writing, I’ve been busy with more renders. Below are two logos: one for the SuTech Corporation and the other for the Dancing Jackal nightclub (click to get the bigger image). The first one turned out well, but I’m still on the fence about the Dancing Jackal. It’s supposed to be for a nightclub so it had to be a bit more “frilly” that I’d prefer. To me it looks too much like a gay bar (not that there’s anything wrong with it).

I also did these two Ghul images. The one on the left was my first attempt, but ultimately I decided not to use it. The arm and hand look odd, although I thought the face came out well (especially the teeth). I decided to use the second render instead. It’s a different model and texture than the first attempt and I think it’s a lot of more successful.

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