Friday, June 03, 2005

No "I" in Story

I’ve completed the renders for page 9, but I haven’t done the post work. I had hesitated to finish page 8’s post work because I wasn’t 100% happy with the dialogue for it. However, since then I’ve done new dialogue that pleases me more. I also have the dialogue for page 9 so I should be able to completely finish both tonight.

I’ve had a lot of confidence problems with this chapter. Perhaps it was the week long vacation I took during it, but basically I’ve felt very detached. I haven’t felt comfortable at all. I’ve also wondered whether any of this is even worth it and whether anyone would care if I quit (which I don’t intend to do, by the way). Lately it’s occurred to me that I care too much about what others think of the story and where it’s going instead of just doing it for me. This might sound selfish, but as a writer it’s important that you tell the story that’s within you and not someone else. The fact is it’s entirely possible nobody will like your story or even hate it. I think most of us, including myself, want to be liked and want to be successful. However, if you think too much about that, it can make you crazy or, in my case, depressed. So, I’m trying to focus on telling the story and not worry about what others think or even if anybody comes to my website to see it.

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