Sunday, June 10, 2007

Game Diary Summary - April

4/24/2007 I need to update the Wiki to include some of this robot info (and also some faction info from the previous chapter). I haven't updated the wiki lately (although I'm not sure if anyone actually reads it or not). ;-)

I removed the Imperium faction from the rules, but I'm having second thoughts. Having a low Imp faction might mean characters cannot get a starship loan.

4/23/2007 Over the weekend, I added into the rules what I had completed so far for robots. I also started putting in some of the tables. It's a little tricky because there's a lot that needs to be included, including price. I'm trying to keep the tables simple without have too many extra tables if possible.

Starting to incorporate prices as well. Using a cost multiplier (of the chassis base price) for each component instead of having individual prices. This will make the tables cleaner and make things scale better.

4/20/2007 Wrote rules for chassis and drive trains. Happy with progress.

4/19/2007 I stayed off the computer last night, although I got a few minor things done during the day. I would like to start putting some of the info I've created into the rules soon but it might be until this weekend before that happens.

I wrote a lot more robots stats today (controllers, arms, hands, and power plants).

4/17/2007 I think I may modify Law Levels. Not sure if I'll get rid of them entirely or just combine them with something similar to the d20 system (restricted, military, and illegal items).

I've largely decided to eliminate the law level system and use the simpler system above. I wrote up my version of this (twice since Google docs crapped out on me after the first attempt). I will need to add this into the rules. Also, along with that I'm going to add the Streetwise skill that will help characters buy/sell items on the blackmarket (find a fence), etc.

4/16/2007 I worked on actual stats for chassis and drive trains. For Drive Trains, I played around with the numbers for awhile but came up with a general percentage of the total for space for a particular chassis.

I've been creating more robot stats today, but I just realized that I have a problem: do i have robots at different XP levels, like i do for creatures. The main reason to do this is to determine number of HPs. I was thinking about assigned HPs by chassis size, but now I'm not sure.

After thinking more, I decided that I will assign hit dice per chassis which will increase with level (just like creatures). This will give a more constant rule set then if i have something different for creatures and robots.

4/13/2007 Made a good start on Robots.

4/12/2007 To help get me out of the duldrums, I've decided to move on to the next chapter (Robots). The Encounters chapter is basically done and I can always go back and finish it up later.

I've been taking notes for the robot chapter. I wrote stuff for it a long time ago so I'm hopeful I can use some of that work. However, I've made a good start on what I did today.

4/11/2007 I worked a little last night, but not much. I'm having some creative problems at the moment: not able to create anything; my mind just doesn't seem to want to give anything. Rainy days aren't helping my mood either.

4/10/2007 I added Safe Fall skill to the rules. I also added Poison to Gear, although I need to add some examples.

The Encounter chapter is taking a long time. Partly because I've been playing LOTRO a lot over the last couple of weeks, but also there's just a lot to do for the chapter. Also, I've been backfilling stuff in previous chapters. In the case of the last two things, at least I'm making progress. As for playing LOTRO, we all have our addictions, I guess. ;-)

4/9/2007 Friday I was able to add section on Encounters. However, I will likely remove it since I don't think it works well.

I created two new mutants (giant scorpion and spitting beatle) and added desc for the three Void Spawn types. Also added affect of social class on faction standing. Wrote notes on Safe Fall skill.

4/6/2007 Created five new melee-related abilities. Wrote up rules for Poisons (for Gear chapter). Wrote up additional concequences for faction rating. Last night, wasn't able to work on computer at all due to problem with my leg (pinched nerve). This weekend, I'll be out of town for Easter, so I won't be able to work on game then either.

4/5/2007 I added Commerce to skills; redid the beginning of the abilities chapter to be more clear.

4/3/2007 Using my new ToDo List, I updated the rules with the new Racial resistance value, added racial traits (although I need to do more), and added sonic weapons. After I get our tax refund, I will feel more comfortable buying some more models from so I can do more renders for the creatures (like Jotun and Void Spawn).

4/2/2007 I didn't work on the game over the weekend. I was taking a break so I could play Lord of the Rings Online that just came out. Today I will make a To Do list for the misc things I need to get done (not the Big things like chapters, etc.).

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