Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Forums anyone?

I haven’t had a chance to update the blog lately, but basically I’ve completed the first three pages, and the renders for page 4. In my previous post, I talked about not being happy with the first renders. They involved a hallway, which I ended up redoing completely. Once that was complete, I was able to finish those pages (1-2) quickly. The majority of the chapter, however, takes place in the office of Richard Augustus. I bought the office set and I’m very satisfied with it.

When the website used to be focused on game design, I had a forum set up for building a “community” around the game. Well, the forum (like the game) didn’t really do very well and went hardly noticed most of the time. Now that the website is all about my writing, I have once again thought about putting the forum back up, redone of course. However, I’d rather not do that unless people would actually use it. My wife doesn’t seem to think anyone would, so I’d just like to get feedback from people whether it would be useful. So, leave me a comment. If I don’t get any, I’ll assume there’s no burning need to put the forums back up.

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