Friday, July 22, 2005

Chronicles in Print!

Through, I got my first copy of Alexander the Prince: Part One in bound form. It really looks quite good, although I think the pages are a little dark. However, I’m happy with it and others seem to think it looks good too. Meanwhile, I’ve also uploaded different images to another site called, which allows me to sell merchandise like T-shirts, mugs, etc. I’m not sure anyone will buy this stuff, but it would help me earn some extra money and help pay for the comic’s operating expenses.

Although I took a couple of days off working on the comic, I got back to it last night. I started building the only set that I’ll be using for the whole chapter. Basically, chapter 6 takes place on the bridge of a spaceship as Alexander and Co. look at the glitter fields. The fields, by the way, are an area in space where asteroids had impacted, forming a cluster of brightly lit particles (like metal confetti or chaff). If everything goes as planned, there should be significant action in this chapter, including fighting on the bridge itself, and out in space between ships. It will also be somewhat violent in that at least one of the crew will be killed by blaster fire.

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