Monday, November 21, 2005

Nav Bar Changes

I finished making the changes I had planned for the website. On the surface, it doesn’t look like there was much to the changes (new nav bar and a couple new pages), but it actually took me quite a while due to an early design choice I had made. Now, after these changes, I will be able to make additional changes (at least as far as the nav bar is concerned) much more easily.

I also finished one of the sets for the next chapter, namely Katherine’s stateroom on the Provocateur. The next chapter is called Durant Blixx and, not surprisingly, all the action takes place on his command ship. Creating Katherine’s room led my wife to comment that it’s like I’m playing with Barbies. And what’s wrong with that? Can’t a grown man play with virtual Barbies?? Anyway . . . I plan to work on a script for the beginning of the chapter today so I can get started on renders ASAP. I have this Thursday and Friday off due to the Thanksgiving holiday, so if I don’t pass out due to too much turkey, I’ll have extra time to work on the chapter. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Your wife is totally right, and she should be HAPPY and THRILLED that you are playing with dolls !!! The closest equivalent to telling stories in 3D/Poser is the Muppet Show - don't forget : started out in puppetry, Yoda did *LOL* ;o) Seriously, staging plays with dolls and miniatures has been a noble art for centuries. It's just like drawing : all children play on paper, and with miniatures and figures and stuff, until the age of 12 or so; then, most of them get so desperate to appear adult that they give it up, and never find their fantastic fantasy worlds again. Luckily for them, a few of us DON'T grow up, and we become the "puppet masters" who can still invite them to those lost worlds.

    Get your wife a copy of "Final Fantasy" - and, if she's anything like mine, keep her awake while she's watching it ;o)


